Can Deadline be used to automatically adjust schedules

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Can Deadline be used to automatically adjust schedules

Post by NTT »

I am trying to set a dead as the absolute latest a project can finish, therefore any risks or delays in tasks should result in them being set to start earlier with the results Gantt. Do you know if this is possible? I am trying to have the risk show tasks having to start earlier to meet the fixed deadline rather than extend out beyond it.
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Re: Can Deadline be used to automatically adjust schedules

Post by Intaver Support »

With deadlines the results will only show that it fails to meet the deadline. It does not compress the schedule as you would like. Typically, schedule compression or acceleration requires a complete rework of the schedule including adding additional resources, more parallel activities. etc as required.
The only thing we can offer is generating a new schedule from the results using the export to xml feature. In this case you would have to find p level that meets the deadline. However, this schedule could be very optimistic depending upon the P level selected.
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Intaver Institute Inc.
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