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Assigning a multiday delay to a one day task

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:13 pm
by KerryMiller
I have a risk that that the Site Handover might get delayed even with 2 weeks.

If I want to simulate this/ I can set a relative delay even with 85% probability and 70% percent outcome, but the program considers the duration of the task and not the start date of the task. How can I set up that the program can simulate 1-2 weeks possible delay of 1 day activities? It went up only to 1,7 days.

Re: Assigning a multiday delay to a one day task

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:14 pm
by Intaver Support
You would need to use Fixed Duration Delay (5 to 10 days) rather than Relative Delay. It is possible to model a 500% - 1000% relative delay as well.