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Weather calendar

Weather calendar is a type of probabilistic calendar, which defines the number of non-working days per month. In each day you can define low, base, and high estimates for non-working dates. The particular number of non-working dates is calculated for each simulation. For example, let’s say you define that in March there will be between 5 to 10 non-working days. On the first iteration on Monte Carlo simulations it will be 7 non-working days, and on the second iteration it will be 6 non-working days, etc.

Defining weather calendar.

  1. Click the Schedule tab. In the Schedule and Calendars group, click Working Time.
  2. Select Calendar from the dropdown list, which will become the weather calendar.
  3. Click on the check box This is a weather calendar.
  4. Click on Settings. The Weather Calendar Settings dialog comes up.
  5. In the Settings dialog, define the number of non-working days each month.
  6. Select statistical distribution for the number of working days per month. It can be either uniform or triangular.
  7. Select the year during which non-working days will occur. It can be either a specific year, for example, year 2018, or a general number of non-working days which will occur every year.
  8. Update the seed, if required. Using the seed, you can correlate different weather calendars, for example, if they are to be assigned to different tasks or resources.
  9. Click OK on the Weather Calendar Settings dialog.

Use the slider in the Working Time dialog to see how many non-working days are generated on the first 25 iterations of Monte Carlo simulations. This will help you confirm that you have correctly entered information about non-working days.

The number of non-working days defined in the Weather Calendar Settings dialog can overlap with regular non-working days, such as Saturdays and Sundays, in the Standard calendar.

See also

Probabilistic Calendars

Defining working time

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