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Scatter Plot

Scatter Plot: Cost vs. Duration also known as a Bull’s Eye, Football, or Joint Confidence Level chart, shows a comparison of the Total Project Cost vs. Total Project Duration or Finish Time for each iteration of the simulation and is part of the Project Summary.

Scatter plot can be used for individual tasks. It will show correlation between tasks duration and project duration, as well as between task cost and project cost. For more information about scatter plot for individual tasks please read Viewing sensitivity analysis for each task

The plot project cost vs. project duration includes four quadrants:

  1. Left-Top: % of simulations in which project meets schedule but is over budget
  2. Left-Bottom: % of simulations in which project meets both budget and schedule
  3. Right-Top: % of simulations in which project are over budget and schedule
  4. Right-Bottom: % of simulations in which project meets budge but is over schedule

To view the Scatter Plot: Project Cost vs. Duration:

  1. Make sure that your schedule has both uncertainties in duration and cost
  2. Run a Monte Carlo simulation.
  3. Click the Analysis tab. On the Project Summary view, click Cost vs. Duration scatter Plot. The scatter plot opens.
  4. Select type of the plot you want to view:
    • Project Cost vs. Project Duration, or
    • Project Cost vs. Project Finish Time

See also

Viewing sensitivity analysis for each task

Project Summary View

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