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Individual Risk Matrixes for Different Projects or Users and Impact Calculation Algorithm

Individual Risk Matrixes for Different Projects or Users

This option is used for RiskyProject Enterprise only. By default, there is one global risk matrix for all users or projects. However, you have the option to assign individual risk matrixes for different projects or users. If you assign individual risk matrixes for a particular summary project, these will automatically be propagated to all subprojects. If you assign individual matrixes to the users, these will be assigned to all users within a selected user group in your organizational breakdown structure.

To define individual matrixes for users and projects:

  1. Click the Risks tab and then click on Format Risk Matrix.
  2. Click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Select Risk Matrix Settings: global, per project or per user.

Algorithm for Impact Calculation

You may define algorithm for impact calculation using Advanced Settings dialog. There two algorithm:

  • Combined impact = maximum impact of all categories; for example Cost Impact is 30%, Schedule Impact is 40%, and Safety Impact is 10%. Total impact is 40%
  • Combined impact = sum of impacts in each category and then normalized; for example Total impact will be 70%. However if total impact for at least one risk in risk register with exceed 100%, all impacts for all risk register will be proportionally reduced to ensure that on impact is greater than 100%.

To define algorithm for impact calculation:

  1. Click the Risks tab and then click on Format Risk Matrix.
  2. Click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Select Calculation of combined risk impact for all categories: maximum impact or normalized sum of impacts.

See also

Risk Register

Formatting Risk Matrix

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