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Critical Path Metrics

The following metrics will be calculated if you enable critical path:

  1. Total Slack: amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. If the task has no successors, free slack is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the entire project's finish date.
  2. Free Slack: amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks. If the task has no successors, free slack is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the entire project's finish date.
  3. Late Start: the latest date that a task can start without delaying the finish of the project. This date is based on the task's start date, as well as on the late start and late finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, and other constraints.
  4. Late Finish: the latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. This date is based on the task's late start date, as well as on the late start and late finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, and other constraints.
  5. Criticality Index: how many times this task was on the critical path. Criticality index is calculated as a result of Monte Carlo simulation. For example, if total number of simulation was 1000 and particular task was 640 times on the critical path, criticality index for this task would be 64%. Criticality index is important because task be not on a critical path for deterministic analysis, but may have risks with high probability and/or impacts assigned to them. In such cases, it will have high criticality index.

See also:

Critical Path

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