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Automatically Assign Risks to Upper Levels of the Hierarchy

Here is an important rule and risk visibility:

If you assign a risk to a low level of the hierarchy, it will be automatically assigned to levels directly above it unless visibility is explicitly limited to the project.

To view the projects or programs to which a risk is assigned:

  1. Open a summary project.
  2. Click the Risks tab and then in the Risk Views group, click Risk Register or Risky Properties.
  3. Double-click on a Risk ID to open the Risk Information dialog box.
  4. Click the Probability and Outcome tab (if you do not have a project schedule) or Assign to Tasks or Resources Tab (if you have a project schedule).
  5. You will be able to see the risk, which is automatically assigned to the summary project. Column From Project indicates where the risk was assigned originally. The original assignment can be changed here. You would have to go to the sub project to make any changes to the risk assignment.

The same process of automatic risk assignment also works at the enterprise level. Therefore, if a risk is visible at the enterprise level and you assign it to a particular project, the risk will be automatically assigned to the enterprise level.

Note: You may assign the risk to a summary level, even it is already assigned to the project level. This is useful in situations where the project level and summary level risk is assigned to different categories. For example, at the project level “Pipeline Crack” is a quality risk, whereas on the portfolio level the same risk can also be defined as a public relations risk.


  • When you change the visibility for the risk, it will automatically be assigned to the associated summary project or to the enterprise level.
  • You must have appropriate permissions to make a risk visible for a summary project or at the enterprise level. If you do not have these permissions, your risk will not be automatically assigned to the upper level of the hierarchy.
  • Automatic risk assignment only goes upward from lower to higher levels of the hierarchy (summary project and enterprise level), but not from summary projects down to sub projects.
  • Original risk assignments may have multiple mutually-exclusive alternatives with different probabilities and impacts. These risk assignments may also have a particular distribution of risk outcomes. When a risk is automatically assigned to the upper levels of the hierarchy, one integrated risk assignment will be generated, the impact and probability of which will be equivalent to the original risk assignment.

See also

Introduction to Managing Enterprise Risks

About Risk Visibility and Risk Assignment

Changing Risk Visibility

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