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About User Management

In RiskyProject Enterprise, user management is based on users, roles and permissions. Each individual who accesses the system should be assigned user logon credentials which are defined in the User Administration panel. Users can be assigned one of three roles: Administrator, Manager or User. The RiskyProject Enterprise Administrator’s Guide describes the user management process.

About Roles

RiskyProject Enterprise has 3 defined roles that can be assigned to users: Administrator, Manager, and User.

  • Administrator: the administrator has full access to RiskyProject functions.
  • Manager: the manager may have full access to RiskyProject, except for the ability to manage users and change user permissions. The manager’s permissions can be limited by the administrator.
  • User: the users cannot edit managers, users, modify portfolio settings, or delete projects. In addition, the administrator can limit a user’s permissions.

Only administrators can edit user information. A user can only edit their own information including passwords. The administrator cannot set or modify user passwords. Only administrators and managers can change risk visibility information.

Updating Personal Information:

  1. From the File menu, click Users. The User Management panel will open.
  2. Review your permissions: cannot be changed by users.
  3. Update your personal information.
  4. Click OK.

About Permissions

Each user has different permissions:

  • Create, modify, and delete risks
  • Create, modify, and delete mitigation and response plans
  • Create projects

By default, the Administrator role has all available permissions. Only administrators can change permissions for users and managers. For more information about how to change user permissions, please read the RiskyProject Enterprise Administrator’s Guide. All administrators, managers and users can view all projects and all visible risks. However, if a user does not have permission to modify a risk or a mitigation/response plan, the Risk Information or Mitigation Plans will be read-only. If a user attempts to open the project to which they do not have permission, they will be prompted that they do not have permission to perform this action.


  • You can always create risks in projects to which you have permission. However, you need permissions to create risks at the enterprise level.
  • Both managers and administrators can approve (make visible) risks at each level of the project hierarchy.
  • A user can always modify risks as soon as he or she is listed as an owner or a manager for this risk.
  • A user or manager must have permissions for all projects (the entire portfolio) to be able to create risks at the enterprise level.
  • If you use the RiskyProject add-in in Microsoft Project and the project does not exist in the RiskyProject database, it will automatically be created in RiskyProject regardless of user permissions.

See also

RiskyProject Administrator's Guide

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