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Risk Register View

The risk register is a set of all risk in the project. The risk register can be populated in two ways:

  • Directly entering risk information into the risk register view.
  • Using the Global Risk Assignment view or risk tabs in Task Information dialog and resource information dialog. Any new risks entered using these views and tabs will be automatically added to the risk register.

Risk registers include the following information:

  • Risk names: Each risk name is unique. You cannot define risk with the same name within risk register.
  • Risk parameters: risks can be opened and closed, risks or issues, assigned to different tasks or resources, and risk properties (dates, owner, contact, description, etc.).
  • Calculated risk parameters: pre and post- mitigation probabilities, impact, and scores, is this risk threat, opportunity or both.

Risk Register

  • To view pre-mitigation probabilities, impacts, and scores you must calculate the project.
  • To view post mitigation probabilities, impacts, and scores, you must create a new baseline that models mitigation efforts (e.g. by reducing the chance of a risk occurring and recalculating). Once you have recalculated, the project probabilities, impacts, and scores in the current schedule will be shown as post-mitigation results. Probabilities, impacts, and scores in the saved baseline schedule will be shown as pre-mitigation results.

Opening the Risk Information dialog box

Double-click on any risk ID to open the Risk information dialog box. There you can enter risk parameters, assign risks to tasks and resources, and view risk mitigation information.

See also

Saving and loading the Risk Register

Risks in RiskyProject

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