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About Project Tasks

When you first start RiskyProject, the Gantt view opens. Start the scheduling process by adding tasks. Each task should have a name and a base duration. You may enter this information directly onto the datasheet or using the Task Information dialog box.

Opening the Task Information dialog box

The Task information dialog box can be used to enter task parameters (duration, start, finish times, assign resources to tasks, assign risks, etc.). You can open the task information dialog can in invoked using one of the following ways:

  • Double-click on Task ID
  • Right click on task ID and Select Task Information
  • Select Task and click on Project > Task Information

Entering task name and duration

When you create a task, the first step is to enter a name and a base duration.

  1. Click on the Task Name field in the Gantt view.
  2. Provide a name for task.
  3. Enter a base duration in the Base Duration field. You can enter elapsed duration. Elapsed task duration is calculated using a 24-month calendar. To define elapsed duration, enter 'e' before units, for example, '10 edays'.

The default Start Time for tasks is defined in the Calendar tab of the Options dialog box. The start time can be either the current date or a project start date, defined in Project ->Main Project Settings. You can always change start time using constraints (see Start, Finish Times and Constraints). You can also change other default parameters in the Options dialog box.

Define task durations using the Base Duration column. Once you have added all of the tasks, you can add uncertainties by assigning low and high durations. See Define Distributions for Start Time, Cost, and Duration for more information.

See also

Project Tasks
Task Deadlines
Task Links
Task calendars

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