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Nonlinear intervals for probability and impact

In standard risk impact and probability matrixes, intervals can be non-linear. For example, in some 5x5 risk matrixes, Very High probability often indicates a probability of 100 - 70%, High 70 -50%, Moderate 50-30 %, Low 30-20% and Very Low is >10%. The risk matrix can be setup so that the matrix “intervals” can be modified so that each interval can represent a different scale for both probability and impact. The sum of all intervals must be equal to 100%. If tthe sum is not equal to 100%, the background color will be switched from green to pink.

Very Low - 10%
Low - 20 %
Medium - 20%
High - 20%
Very High - 30%

The same process can be used to customize your impact matrix:

Negligible  < 1% of budget - 1%
Minor  < 5% of budget - 4 %
Moderate < 10% of budget - 5%
Serious < 20% of budget - 10%
Critical < 20% of budget - 80%

See also

About Risk Attributes
Formatting the Risk Matrix


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