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Mapping custom fields in Microsoft Project to low/high duration/cost/income fields in RiskyProject

You can use duration or cost fields in Microsoft Project or in any other software that uses Microsoft Project's XML schema: duration1, duration2, duration3 … to define low and high duration in RiskyProject. You can also use duration1, duration2, duration3… fields in Microsoft Project to define low and high remaining duration for partially completed tasks.

You can use cost1, cost2, cost3, … fields in Microsoft Project to define low, base, and high cost and income.

Text fields are used to save statistical distribution.

If you previously used Risk+, you may map these fields duration and cost fields the same way as it was done in Risk+. This way you will be able to migrate data related to uncertainties in Microsoft Project from Risk+ to RiskyProject.

To use these fields, you must map them to the corresponding fields in before you import the schedule into RiskyProject. This includes if you are using the RiskyProject toolbar or ribbon in Microsoft Project.

To use these fields, you must map them to the corresponding fields in before you import the schedule into RiskyProject. This includes if you are using the RiskyProject toolbar or ribbon in Microsoft Project.

To map Microsoft Project fields:

  1. On the RiskyProject Microsoft Project addin click Field Mapping or in RiskyProject, click File and then choose Import > Map Microsoft Project Fields….
  2. Select the Microsoft Project field associated with low/high duration, cost, and income in RiskyProject.
  3.  Select if you wish to map remaining duration fields as original duration fields. If remaining duration fields are mapped to the same fields as original duration fields and percent complete > 0, low and high duration fields in Microsoft Project are used for low and high remaining duration in RiskyProject.
  4. If you don’t want to import from Microsoft Project cost data, resources, cost fields, deadlines, and notes, select appropriate check boxes. It accelerates calculation. This feature is available in version 6.1 and later.
  5. If you have cost resources, you may wish to convert cost associated with these resources to the fixed cost during import. You can apply statistical distributions to the fixed cost, but cannot do it with cost resources. If you select check box Convert cost from cost resources to fixed cost, in RiskyProject cost resource will remain the same as in Microsoft Project, but cost defined in resource assignments will be equal zero. This feature is available in version 6.1 and later.
  6. Click OK

Once you define mappings, it will stay in the system registry for all projects transferred from Microsoft Project to RiskyProject.

  • The default mapping in RiskyProject 3.2 or earlier is different from version 4.2: low duration = duration1, high duration = duration3, base duration = duration2; duration2 must be equal duration field in Microsoft Project
  • These mappings can be used for other scheduling applications that use Microsoft Project's XML format, including Oracle's Primavera. Please note: base fixed cost in Primavera may be saved as Cost1 in XML file.
  • If remaining duration fields are mapped to the same as original duration fields and you changed % complete in Microsoft Project, you must redefine statistical distribution for duration or update values in duration fields for Microsoft Project.

See also

RiskyProject for Microsoft Project

Advanced Mapping Microsoft Project

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