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Managing Incidents

Incidents are events that can be recorded, viewed and reported in RiskyProject. In RiskyProject, incidents are managed similarly to risks. RiskyProject has an Incident Register. This register is similar to Risk Register. Each Incident has a list of customizable properties that are a different set than risk properties. Risks and incidents can be linked to each other: one risk may have different incidents, while one incident may have multiple risks. Incidents have customizable impact classifications such as Severe Impact, Moderate Impact, Low Impact. The Incidents feature is only available in RiskyProject Enterprise and requires connection to a database.

These views can be accessed using Incident tabs within the workflow bar or ribbon:

  • Incidents in the Incident Register
  • Incident Statistics as a chart showing occurrence of incidents over time

Enabling Incident Register

To enable Incidents Tabs in Workflow Bar and Ribbon:

  1. On the Projects tab, click Portfolio Options > General tab.
  2. Click Enable incident tracking and reporting (Incident tab).
  3. Click OK. Incidents are now available.

Viewing the Incident Register

The Incident view allows you to:

  • View a list of incidents with their properties; you can use different incident hierarchies based on classification, owner, or manager
  • Sort and filter the Incident Register by clicking on the icon on the right corner of the column header; to undo filtering click on Show All in left corner of the view.
  • Insert or delete columns with incident properties, define headers for any individual column or group of columns;
  • Create multiple views or tabs shown at the bottom of the view; each view may have different sets of columns and filters
  • Edit incident properties either within a view directly or using Incident Information Dialog (double click on Incident ID)
  • Print the Incident Register
  • Export to Excel

See also:

Incident Classification

Incident Statistics

Incident Properties

Editing Incident Information

Incident ID

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