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Work View

  • Task Name: Name of the task.
  • Type: See Advanced tasks managment for information on tasks types
  • Effort Driven: The duration of a task shortens or lengthens as resources are added or removed from a task, while the amount of effort necessary to complete a task remains unchanged.
  • Low Work: The Low work units for task for the current schedule Base
  • Work: The Base work units for task for the current schedule
  • High Work : The High work units for task for the current schedule
  • Resource: Enter or select a resource to assign it to the task.
  • Low Work Result: Calculated Low results for work
  • Base Work Result: Calculated Mean results for work
  • High Work Result: Calculated High results for work

You can enter tasks as work rather than duration. The Work view shows the total work of all resources assigned to a task.

  1. On the Schedule tab, in the Schedule Views group, click Work.
  2. Select the Task type: fixed units, fixed duration, or fixed work. The same information can be defined using Advanced tab of task information dialog.
  3. Check the Effort driven flag if the task is effort driven (default value). Effort driven task can be defined in the Advanced tab of Task Information dialog box..
  4. Enter low, base, and high work for the selected task. Units for work are defined in the Schedule tab > Settings and Options group> Options>Duration tab. Duration and units for the task will be calculated based on task type.

  • For probabilistic calculations, work is always correlated with duration. Seed and distribution of the duration is used for work as well. Therefore seed and distribution for work in not entered.
  • You may view work assigned to the particular resource in Resource tab of task information dialog.

See also

Advanced Task Management

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